Monday, December 31, 2007

last day of 2007..

which meant cooking all day and time for polka dots!

every year my whole family says it's good luck to wear polka dots into the new year... so today, RIGHT NOW i'm wearing the only polka dotted shirt i have, and it happens to be my (new) favorite!

part of my new year's resolution is to consume less and conserve more... 'cause dang it our world could do without a band-aid on it (thank you anchor blue for producing this shirt on organic cotton, even though i'm not really sure how cotton can't be organic). so i really am going to try to turn off the lights when i don't need them, use less running water, wear sweaters more when it's cold rather than use the heater, and other good stuff i should already be doing.

the other part of my new year's resolution is all personal. let's just say i will be looking at more.

so long 2007, it's been fun. i'm a little anxious for 2008 'cause i know fo sho it's gonna go by fast... and i have to graduate (date is May 22, 2008 people!) then do something with my life. let's just hope it's something good. like all good things done in faith i'm just gonna try my hardest and leave the rest up to Him.

hope 2008 is gonna be great!

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