I sat watching Ratatouille today.. and while the music, characters, and food made me happy for a number of reasons I couldn't help think of what else I could have been doing during that time. what could I have done for that hour and a half that could make me a better person or make the world a better place..
could have read my Microbio book so that maybe someday I could get into a PA school, or do Stats homework so I get an A on the next open book test. could have planned out my future so I don't waste anymore of my parents' money... or studied for my EMT test that i'll take who knows when (c'mon, Fast Resonse!) so that I can pass it and get a job. I just wanna work already! but it's a good thing that there are so many things you need to do before you get into health professions, 'cause you deal with people's lives. I guess I just wish I was smarter.. ha!