Wednesday, February 18, 2009


For Immediate Release: February 14th2009

Contact: Jenah Yangwas 415.505.0620

Rick Cantora 415.215.7920

Valerie Fernandez 510.672.0522


“Waiver/Release Provisions” pertaining to these veterans in the Stimulus Plan denies chance for Filipino Veterans to receive full recognition

The San Francisco community including entities such as the Veterans Equity Center and the Student Action for Veterans Equity (S.A.V.E.), a coalition comprised of students from colleges and universities, advocates, youth and community supporters will host a press conference on February 18th, 2009, on the steps of San Francisco City Hall. This day marks the 63rd year since the enactment of the Rescission Act which deemed the service of Filipino Veterans during WWII as inactive, stripping them from all of the benefits that were promised for their service under the United States flag.

As written, the Stimulus Plan includes provisions directly affecting the Filipino WWII veterans and their fight for equal treatment. Essentially if the Stimulus Plan is enacted, the Filipino WWII veterans would receive only a one-time payoff of approximately $15,000 for those living in the United States while Filipino WWII veterans living elsewhere, including in the Philippines, would receive about $9,000. The money stated does not fully compensate for decades of discrimination and years of receiving nothing for their service.

Many are outraged for several legitimate reasons including that the brave military services of the Filipino WWII veterans would be relegated to a mere "lump sum" payment amounting to a little over a year's worth of what they would receive on Supplemental Security Income (SSI); this after 63 years of waiting to be treated equal to their U.S. counterparts. To make matters even more controversial, a release provision is embedded within the language of the Stimulus bill which waives the rights of the Filipino WWII veterans from asking for further redress. In essence, this waiver of rights would release the U.S. Government from further addressing the issue in the future and would result in the final blow of injustice to the veterans.

Filipino World War II Veterans deserve equal treatment and the full benefits that were promised to them by the US Government, such as pensions, status, etc., which will not be provided by the Stimulus Plan. It is important that Congress recognizes that a wrong cannot be corrected by creating another wrong.
SAVE sees the $198 million for "lump sum" payments as the beginning (not final) contribution to these veterans. The presence of the Filipino WWII veterans in the Stimulus Bill should stimulate Congress to secure the financial support required in treating these veterans equally -- in compensation, status, recognition, etc. -- particularly since majority are now in their mid to late 80's in age. They've waited for far too long and over 80% have already died without receiving their deserved equal treatment. The fight is not over and we will continue to advocate and hope that this injustice will be addressed before more veterans pass away.

Restore Equal Treatment for the Filipino WWII Veterans!
Waiver/Release Provisions in the Stimulus Plan Continues to Deny Veterans True Justice
Remember the courageous lives of our Filipino WWII veterans and their service under the U.S. flag!

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