Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Grandpa John

McCain walks like a penguin. I know that doesn't have anything to do with his qualifications.. There are just so many things about McCain (grandpa-ness, voice of death) that make me not want to listen.

My dad is voting for McCain, even though he said he liked Obama before.. 'Cause Obama is saying things he would do as President, but, like McCain said, had voted differently before. Josh sent me the link to factcheck.org.. And I wish everyone could read this stuff:

"Once again, McCain said that Obama raised taxes 94 times. This came up in the vice presidential debate, and it is a bogus charge.

Fact check.org, a non-partisan watchdog, has analyzed the charge.

Of the 94, 23 of those votes were indeed votes against proposed tax cuts. Eleven of them were increases on families earning over $1 million to help fund programs such as Head Start and school nutrition. And 53 were on non-binding budget resolutions that foresaw allowing tax cuts to expire as scheduled. Such out-year projections are meaningless, since non-binding budgets are passed each year.
Fact.check.org ruled the claim misleading.
--Glenn Kessler"

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