Wednesday, October 24, 2007

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2007, please mark your calendar!!!!! Please spread thisto at least five other people and make sure you inform them to send the info to five more people, to spread the word. National Black Out Dayis on November 2. Do not make any purchases on the actual day and please do notmake any major $ amount purchases, the day before or the day after because then the Black Out will be of no effect. This is from 102.5radio station (Atlanta); they are asking their listeners to spread theword for those who may not listen to the station. This is the secondphase for the Jena 6 and many other cities and people of color arefacing similar situation like the Jena 6.Remember: NO PURCHASES. NO PURCHASES. NO PURCHASES. NO PURCHASES NOPURCHASES - NOV. 1, NOV. 2 OR NOV. 3

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