Saturday, September 22, 2007

too many choices!

like what to eat, what to wear, where to shop, what to buy, where to live, what to do with your life, what to do with your day. granted there are some limitations to what we can afford... but still, there are so many choices in the world, in life. in class on friday we were studying choice, taste, and preference in my seminar (which i have grown quite fond of..), and were were looking at a journal written by of those brilliant sociologists. it was a piece called why more is less. his argument was that as Americans, even though we have many choices, we still feel unsatisfied with life. SOOOO TRUE!

my parents always told me that i'm never satisfied, and i think i believe that more now then ever. i am totally grateful for everything i have, really i am... but i keep feeling like there's something that's missing. sounds kinda spoiled, but i'm not just talking about material things. i'm talking more about what i wanna do with my life. i really just thought about going into the medical field when i first came to Berkeley... but once i started going to other classes, i realized that heck, there's more out there. so now i'm majoring in sociology. and i'm still taking pre-med courses.. all for what? i still don't know.

all i know is that what i'm learning in soc makes me feel like i should be doing something more. not like, join the peace corp or that kind of stuff... but something different.. something revolutionary. i wish i was more creative so i could just figure it out already...

and maybe then i could save some time.. going through these courses is really changing my life.. and i'm not so sure it's in a good way...

1 comment:

camille said...

hi april! just wanted to let you know, i like your posts =)
can't change the world overnight, but slowly & surely we will find a way too