Wednesday, July 9, 2008

first day of EMT class

we learned CPR and also how to relieve choking. i just hope i don't forget it if the time comes..
important tips!
-first designate someone to call 911. be specific.
-chest compressions are more important than breaths
-pushing 1/3-1/2 the width of the person is necessary for good CPR
-minimize interruptions for a higher success rate

in our second class today we learned how to take vital signs: blood pressure, respirations, and pulse. there was also some talk about how EMTs have a lot to remember so that they don't get sued. yay.

i'd put a picture on here of some cool things EMTs see, but it would be kinda gross.

body mechanics, like posture, proper lifting and fitness, are some other things we're learning about.. and it says poor posture can make your back muscles fatigue fast and could increase chances of back injury. smart people.

also, some people in my class have misconceptions about women. makes me want to prove them all wrong and get higher scores than them on tests. or do the stone cold stunner on them. hah.

everyone needs to open their eyes a little more maybe..

Thursday, July 3, 2008


sometimes it's trippy how these can be very similar to what happens in your day..

"This is a great time to be with others, in any sort of group situation. Whether you are working or not, the day should go along very well. You have a sense of true understanding and real sacrifice to devote toward worthwhile projects. Dedicated to long-range goals, you are future-oriented. Intuitive, you have an inner drive for all that's psychological, religious and mystical. You may find yourself, not necessarily an advisor, but a gatherer of people's experiences. You will be listening, as usual, to all sorts of information regarding relationships, progress and positive outcomes. Since you are artistic, you might consider the study of different artists. Be careful of quick responses this afternoon--you may misconstrue someone's meaning."

ps. i just look at them for fun.. =)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


wikiHOW has great stuff, like How To Date Successfully as a Teenage Girl and steps for successful teenage boy dating as well..

thought it was funny when i glanced over them..

don't think casual dating was ever my thing in high school, but it's funny how natural some of those "steps" the articles gave seem to come when the person you're dating is genuinely sweet and cares about you. doesn't matter what you wear.